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Friday, 21 December 2012

Unstructured Thoughts: The Love Moment

Never written a tale of love...where forever and the present intercourse together in eternity.

 I feel it's something I've got to feel for forever before I write about it? But the problem is I feel that only in moments. That love feeling of eternity and powerful endlessness in that warm, very warm mushy feeling that makes your chest feel like a calm blue sea; powerful, capable of anything and wonderful...the best of God's creations. Love. I feel it in moments.

So I'm hesitant to write about it because they say it's forever. But I feel it in moments but it's still awesome! I breathe very deep in its scented whiff. Even more so 'cos I know its going to end, in the next second. I hold tighter, kiss harder, talk deeper, stare harder and imprint the Moment in Forever.

 In Moments.

When it's about to happen, it doesn't warn you. It's not exactly slow nor sudden. It eases into The Love Moment. But you've got to recognize it. You would be too busy blinded by the lust or blinded by the popular explanation of how love happens. Or caught by the intoxicating feeling of the honeymoon phase of meeting a person for the first time. You don't have to look too hard. Just ease onto it, soak in whatever is around you, be grateful for what is happening at the moment. Because it passes.

When it ends, I used to reel from the suddenness; wonder about the speed of change that can happen in a person. It was too hard, too sudden to understand. So I got bitter, lashed out, generalized. But I came to understand. We are Humans. There really wasn't any 'unique' 'special' 'different' 'knight in shining armour' human.Might as well look for air in physical form. I came to understand the Moment power of love, and accept it. I wish fervently for it when its over, of course. Noone wants a good thing to end. But I place more importance on being able to catch The Love Moment than wishing it lasted forever.

And the great thing about the Love Moment is that it can happen with anyone.  And I believe it's ultimately because of God who resides in each and every one of us, God being Love and Love being God. So you can catch that moment with anyone, connect with anyone for that moment on that lofty plane which is heaven. Our very own heaven on earth for the briefest, sweetest of seconds, minutes, hours, days, a week or whenever it decides to end. 

You've just got recognize it when it comes. And accept its end.

1 comment:

  1. Very deep! I love it. I couldn't help but pick up on "intercourse", "kiss harder" ... Vintage Akosua! Lol!
