blog art

blog art

Monday, 16 May 2011

The Devil’s Advocate


 What if there was no meaning to all of this?
Let life become the myth of Sisyphus. Let us be cursed to push a boulder up a hill for it to roll down and we start the whole process again. For Eternity. Instead of boulders let me give us school, let me give us jobs, let me give us spiritual aspirations to push up the hill for all eternity. Let us pursue the numerous things we pursue; food, a better life, wealth, spiritual divinity, comfort, love – these and many more various forms of Happiness.
Now let me erase the possibility of Happiness. Happiness is just a distortion of our senses a wicked,  mischievous deity planted in us. Thus, it is a pure illusion, never has known existence, never will know existence and is not in existence. Now let us push the boulder.
Why is it that you have stopped? Why are you staring at me? You have got a boulder to push to the top of this confounded hill, so push! Your eyes are staring, black as night into this black world. Shades of black overlapping each other in intensity. A coldness sweeps around us that you were not aware of before. But it has always been there! You chose not to feel it but it has always been there!
Maybe I should have kept you in the bubble of your highly distorted illusion, and then this confounded boulder would move!

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